Wednesday, October 14, 2009

“Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects”

by Roger Zelazny

I've always enjoyed post apocalyptic book. Some might not, because of a reminder of the end of the world. But I think it signifies a new world, that has learned from our mistakes. Though of course the post apocalyptic civilization also has it's flaws (After all what is a story without conflict?) But it is something new, something that could quite possibly be a reality, it represents the future discoveries. Whether they are good or bad. I havn't read so many of these books, but some of my favourites are : The Hunger Games, Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Invitation to the Game. I actually filmed a made-up trailer for Invitaion to the Game for school. Not to toot my own horn, but it was pretty good. It's on youtube if you can find it. The Hunger Games and has to be my favourite. The second one was recently published and was just as good. Usually I am pretty good at predicting books, but The Hunger Games series was full of surprises. I would be happy if you could recomened some books to me. 

Happy End of the World !

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